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Summer coffee recipes

Summer coffee recipes

We're predicted a heatwave in the next few weeks and what better way to celebrate than with an ice cold beverage? We love experimenting with iced coffee when the weather is hot and over the years we've come up with a range of fun and easy recipes to try:

Frappucino- why pay coffee shop prices when you can make your own at home? Using strong coffee, milk and ice (and squirty cream if you're feeling fancy), you'll never pay for another once you've perfected your very own take on this summertime classic.

If you want to keep it simple and elegant, you'll never fail with a straightforward cold brew coffee. Beloved of serious coffee fans, this is actually a super simple way to enjoy iced coffee and it doesn't need a load of fancy brewing equipment. 

Sweet tooth coffee lovers might fancy an indulgent chocolate milkshake! With your choice of chocolate or vanilla ice cream, this recipe is perfect for a scorching day... Just fancy some ice cream? Try our coffee ice cream recipe (we promise you don't need to buy a fancy machine- you just need a whisk and a freezer!) And if you just want an ice cream and coffee experience with no faff whilst also embracing an Italian approach to summer, you should definitely have a go at affogato! It's just coffee (strong) and ice cream (vanilla) and pure deliciousness. 

Whatever you choose to make, have fun! And don't forget we stock all the coffee you need for any of these recipes (and brewing tools too!)



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