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Tea Time Meets Cocktail Hour

Tea Time Meets Cocktail Hour

Teas and infusions lend themselves perfectly to summer drinks: as a base for a long iced tea cocktail; making as a syrup to add to a drink; or to infuse into a spirit. Have a go and watch your party go with a tea-based bang!

Tea infused spirits

1. Go with a reasonably good quality spirit- cheap ones will still taste astringent after infusing.

2. A good ratio is four tablespoons of tea per 700ml bottle of spirit.

3. Steeping times can vary, but an hour or so will be good if you are using tea; we did a lovely Blue Lady Mar-Tea-Ni that we infused for just over an hour. Infusions using rooibos or fruit infusions are best left overnight to get a good level of flavour.

4. Add the loose tea directly into the spirit, shaking or stirring occasionally. When it's ready to use, double strain the infusion and you're good to go.

We think that summer tea cocktails work best with gin and vodka because their lightness compliments citrus and berry flavours. Rum works well with tropical flavours, such as mango or coconut, but would work equally well with nutty or spiced flavoured teas such as Orange Blossom Oolong, Chai or Lapsang. Don’t be afraid to experiment- and let us know about your creations!

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