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Hot Candied Apple Tea

Hot Candied Apple Tea-Tugboat

This seemingly sophisticated yet simple-to-make cocktail (or mocktail, if making for a family audience!) will be welcome at any family gathering: whether to warm hands at a Bonfire Night party or to ease a post carol concert chill, this will be welcomed by all. Make it and accept the praise!

3 tsps  Candied Apple Tea 
100ml water
2 cinnamon sticks
Couple of whole cloves or star anise
400ml apple juice or cider
3 tsp brown sugar or honey
Slices of apple to garnish 

Put the water and cinnamon stick / star anise / cloves into a saucepan, bring to the boil then put onto a low heat for a good five minutes. Add the tea, juice / cider and sugar and let it all simmer away for another five minutes before straining into a couple of glasses and garnishing with apple slices.

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