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Why you should try our Honduran coffee

Why you should try our Honduran coffee

It's never been easier to buy coffee that comes from a great place with an ethical aim. One of our favourites is our Honduran coffee, produced by the COCAFEL co-operative of over three hundred farmers in Honduras. Formed in 1999 to protect and defend the landscape in which they live and work, the coffee is grown sustainably and has organic certification. 

By working together and adhering to both Fair Trade and Rainforest Alliance principles, the farmers are ensuring that they are supporting both themselves and the environment. In addition, the co-op has had a positive impact on the local economy and the overall health of the community. This includes a commitment to educating young people in the community, through both economic and agricultural education. 

The coffee, grown in the Ocotopeque region, is a medium roast with a bright acidity and nutty, sweet finish and mild body. This is one of those coffees that tastes good and does good, too.

1 Response

Lucy Hodgson
Lucy Hodgson

13 September , 2020

Visited your shop yesterday and you kindly gave me a sample of your Merchants of Truro tea, which I came home and brewed up for my ‘tea snob’ husband and he loves it! I shall purchase him a full size pack on my next vist. Thank you x

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