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Our First Six Months as Tugboat!

Early Tugboat

Hurray, we are coming up to our first six months trading as Tugboat Tea & Coffee! Coincidentally, one of our customers, who creates the most wonderful cards for friends here and across the Channel, sent us a card with the message that our new logo had inspired her to make it for us. Thank you Ilse!

I thought I would think of it as our first half anniversary card and sort of do a mental recap of the changes that have happened in this short time. It seems we have done a lot, it has gone very quickly, and gone well. It must be said that the main reason it has gone so well is the fact that we have great customers supporting us.

We started trading in Truro Pannier Market many years ago and steadily built up our business from the shop, the Farmers' Markets and food and drink events in Cornwall. It was in Febuary that we sat down and talked about the coming year and in which direction to take the business . Priorities were, more events, within Cornwall and beyond - yes, we now cross the Tamar! - a real focus on our own unique tea and coffee blends, connecting with designers and importers of all things tea and coffee related and last but not least get our heads around social media.

So with those thoughts buzzing around, came the rebranding of who we are and what we do - and relaunch as the Tugboat.

Another customer, a very talented designer and illustrator, Mark Squires, had already come up with a logo for us and Tugboat Tea + Coffee seemed to suit it nicely. So, in May came our new website, which has been very well received, (thankfully!) and our first forays into social media. 

Its all a learning curve and its all been good fun and none of it would be possible without our fabulous customers trying out our new products, giving us feedback on new blends, forgiving us (hopefully) the odd mistake ( must apologize for the coconut and raspberry tea blend, it was never going to work! )

Anyway, we wanted to say thank you and to welcome in the following six months with Ilse's wonderful card.

Bring on the next six months!


September 23rd 2015

*** Update - we moved Aug 2017 and can now be found at

23 New Bridge Street  


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